The FDA had registered
INJEX Pharma GmbH, Berlin, and INJEX Pharma US, Miami, and given approval for
these import and sale of INJEX 30 in the United States of America market. The
condition appeared to be the registration by the Food and Drug Administration
for INJEX Pharma GmbH as manufacturer and traders. This registration has become
The FDA 510(K)
registration is founded on the FDA 510(K) for the INJEX system under Rösch
Medizintechnik AG. INJEX Pharma GmbH would be the new certified manufacturer
and exporter. The Food and Drug Administration 510(K) by Rösch AG was yet good,
but needed to be reactivated by the new manufacturer. A necessary milestone for
INJEX Pharma AG commenced as a new startup company with worldwide sales and
marketing right at the end of February 2012.
The management of the
firm would go on a road show in New York in a few days and will present the new
idea for worldwide sales and marketing to capital groups on Wall Street. About
twenty programs are planned right this moment.